Update: Julius is not doing well at all. Several hospitals…


Julius is not doing well at all. Several hospitals would not admit him due to his HIV status but he is now in an HIV hospital where they are giving him medicine and conducting tests trying to figure out the cause of some of his symptoms.

If anyone feels led to give toward this we could really use the help. Julius is not turning the corner yet and we know he will need to be getting a lot of testing and treatment in the hospital in order to improve.

Go to www.awakenlove.org.uk/en/donate to find the best way for you to give. When giving memo: Julius.

Please continue to pray for him. Pray for wisdom for the doctors, comfort for Julius, healing for his body, and all the resources to treat him effectively.

Thank you to everyone who has been praying. ?? Here is a picture of Julius at the hospital earlier today. He desperately needs your prayers.

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